Public Summary Month 09/2011

Project C-Kompai

Second ECHORD public summary. Month of Setember


In these two months of development of the project (August and September), the physical Kompai platform has been adapted to hold the cognitive brain, C-BRAIN, with the exception of an extra sensor that is going to be added, the kinect sensor. The kinect has been tested during this time in our labs with such excellent results that we have decided to include it in the final robotic Kompai platform for the project, even if it was not planned or included in our proposal. We expect that the physical Kompai platform will be completely ready to hold the cognitive brain and delivered during the month of November.


Beside the development and testing of the kinect sensor integrated with the rest of the cognitive brain, several other software components of the cognitive brain have been developed, in particular, those related with object and scene recognition and comparison, spatial decision maker; and global path planner.

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