Public Summary Month 1/2013

The project progressed in the labratory testing of the new speed sensor, basic electronics tests have shown that the hardware has no design and  fabrication errors. Tests of the digital part (high speed digital electronics) is also complete. The high speed digital images acquisition and pre-processing system is running as expected. The second part of the speed estimation algorithm is a lower performance task since it works on a drastically reduced data rate; therefore it has been delegated to a second 32 bit RISC CPU, and is in the verification and test phase.

The FlyBox software has been further developed, errors have been fixed and the communication protocol with thte speed sensor has been improved to render it more robust.

A second preliminary experiment with a reduced accuracy and precision speed sensor (based on a commercially available camera has been conducted and ha confirmed the limitiations of this sensor which has a negative influence on the copter overall stability.

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