Public Summary Month 4/2012

In the last bimester, we have consolidated the S4R activities related with Task 1, and we have completed the S4R activities planned in Task 2, concerning the design of the process for the generation Vocal User Interface for specific robotic applications. The details are available in the Technical report released at the end of Task 2 (April 30th). In March, S4R decided to discontinue the development with the ASR Loquendo (due to unavailability of the product), and adopted the Microsoft Speech Platform, which required an additional integration effort, after which the new platform became functionally compatible with the previous one. In addition, we have implemented the interface for testing our interface on the Cobot platform developed at Carnegie Mellon University, as an additional robotic platform to support a solution that can be easily customized to different robotic platforms. In March, the prototype implementation of S4R on the NAO platform has been demonstrated at RomeCup 2012 (a RoboCup Junior event, held on March 23, 2012 in the Rome City Hall) and tested by the vice mayor of Rome.