Public Summary Month 7/2013

During the last period, we improved the bilateral scheme when a 2D laser scanner (coupledwith an IMU) is used to provide information on the environment. We also improved the outer-control scheme of the UAV by exploiting the induced drag in the control design (accepted in IEEE-IROS). We did the last version for the IEEE-Transaction on Mechatronics (accepted as regular paper) and sent the final version of the Chapter "Bilateral Haptic Teleoperation of an Industrial Multirotor UAV" that will appear in Springer Series "STAR".

The current status of the project is that the UAV can be teleoperated in structured environments using the planar 2D laser scanner as the exteroceptive sensing modality. Since the 2D laser scanner only provides a horizontal cross-section of the environment, we make the assumption that the environment consists of vertical walls for localization and obstacle avoidance of the UAV as well as force feedback to the user.

In order to perform flights in an industrial environment (which are usually unstructured three-dimensional environments) we are currently working of adapting our teleoperation scheme by incorporating a visual-inertial stereosensor. This sensor provides both the position of the UAV with respect to the environment as well as a dense depth map of the environment that is observed by the camera.

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