Public Summary Month 14/2012

The implementation and verification of the experiment continues, using the special designed spring and mass system.

In this way the vibrating mass can be fixed to the hexapod in different angles and at different positions.

Finally at end of experiment different vibrating masses, positioned at different positions should be identified.

Starting with the results of the last 2 months, vibrations were clearly identified using a mass of 500 g and shaken in vertical direction.

In the next months measurements will be spread to more different masses vibrating in different orientations.



There was a video presentation for the "eu robotics week" see Institute for Robotics - Linz University.

The ODEOU project will be pubilshed at the homepage of the Institute within the next weeks.

We plan a poster presentation at the automatica fair in munich in may 2012 and

a conference participation at OPTIROB 2012, Mamaia, Romania.

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